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Chapter 1 - Super Freak: The Lessons of a Reluctant Psychic

Natasha Kelly

Welcome to My World

   My dad walked in wearing his armed forces uniform. As he entered the kitchen, he took off his hat and neatly tucked it under his arm. The buttons on his coat were shiny and gold. He looked tall and imposing and handsome in his uniform. It was about 4pm and my sisters weren't home from school yet. I was not more than two and a half years old, sitting in my high chair, having something to eat. I remember the nausea and the tightness in my belly had let up from earlier that day. My stomach felt much calmer.

      My dad questioned my mom and asked why is she, me – the baby - eating so early? We had our supper meals together as a family. I heard my mom explain that I hadn’t eaten all day as I had been vomiting that morning. Since I was feeling better she wanted me to have something. I think that something was scrambled eggs.

     I specifically heard my mom telling my dad that I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. As I was scooping up some egg I remember thinking, “What’s breakfast mean?” And then I heard a man’s voice in my head, and a big round clock being shown to me with thick black numbers. It was about 4 feet away, in my direct line of sight. I remember being able to see the wall clock through it. I understood the idea of the clock and recognized what numbers were. Then he said to me, “Breakfast is when you eat before the hands of the clock show you this….” And the clock’s face showed the two hands pointing straight up at the twelve. I looked at the clock and remember replying, “Oh.” Thus began my life as a super freak.


     Dreams that come true, seeing things that other people couldn’t, knowing things that other people didn’t understand, hearing voices that always told the truth, catching glimpses of the what was to come - were always a part of my life. Feeling what other people were feeling, sometimes even hearing their thoughts, and traveling in my sleep were also a part of my childhood. It is who I am. As I have gotten older and more experienced, I have found out that I can “read” any kind of energy. And everything is energy. I also have what I call, ‘my little voice’ who would tell me almost anything I asked it. Of course, the man’s voice who told me what breakfast meant was always there as well. It wasn’t until I was about 12 years old that I finally figured out who he was and not until I was in my early 30’s that I could admit to my abilities: that they exist. I spent the first half of my adult life in rational denial, trying to disprove these talents. I didn’t want to be different, to be, even, gulp, weird – "Some men are called to greatness and some have" super freakiness thrust upon them.

    I’m sharing this true story of my life with you. Besides the fact I think it is kind of interesting and you might be interested too, I want to give you what I never had – somewhere to start. I hope I can offer a helping hand to anyone who has gone through anything similar. I’m going to share with you what my mentor told me, “You are not crazy.” And I also assure you: you are not alone. Everyone has some element of extra sensory perception it’s just that some of us aren’t afraid of admitting it anymore.

     Just like someone who suffers a trauma, you wish to share your story with acceptance and like experienced people. I am from a small northern Ontario town and I was afraid to share with anyone. It was bad enough that I thought these experiences were irrational. I didn’t need someone else to support that observation.

    I would continually torment myself with questions like how could anyone possibly “see” the future? How can you hear a complete sentence out of the blue when there is no one else is around? And could the advice of those words be absolutely on the mark? How could the information you’ve been given over the years not just be right once, or twice but correct every single time? How can a person have dreams that come true? How come sometimes when a word is written or spoken, whether it is in a casual conversation or it’s heard over the airwaves, you can see the word and it glows? What the hell? It just wasn’t rational. It didn’t make sense. But, but, but what then?

    Being a very logical, curious person, I knew there had to be a rational, reasonable answer. As a little girl, I understood the fundamentals of Darwinism before I knew who Darwin was. I believed that Mother Nature had a purpose for every single little thing on the planet whether or not we humans understood what was going on. I figured someone else was looking after the rest. The only thing I had was myself, my experiences, and eventually, after many years, a few good books to help me sort out this information….Then finally some really good people came into my life and helped me out. I had to figure what this was about pretty much on my own.

Me about 7 years old
Me about 7 years old


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