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Read what my past clients have to say


June 2014
Hi Pamela!
I hope you are doing well. I'm about to leave for my trip to Asia soon and have been thinking of you recently.  
I leave Friday for the long trip out to Cambodia, followed by a week in Vietnam. I feel like it will be a big venture for me. A long flight to get there and several inter-country flights in between… As you can imagine, my nerves have been in a knot thinking of what could go wrong.

I keep thinking about your words since we last spoke, when you said things were going to be fine. I'd have a safe journey and that it would go better than I had expected.

I had a weird thing to ask you. You've been so great and sacrificing to me over the past year or so that we've chatted. You've helped me through a lot of anxiety and I really appreciate all that you've done. I wanted to get you a little something on my journeys and send it back as an appreciation. I realize though, how weird it might be to give your address to a stranger so I just wanted to check in first to make sure you'd even be comfortable. A little weird, I know. You've just been a really great presence in my life who I've been happy to connect with and wanted to say thank you. 

I hope all is well and that you still see good things! 

Warm Regards,
Nicci (from Seattle, USA)

(Edited for one typo and just shortened a wee bit – P. Southwell... I've been working with this young lady for a few years now. And BTW, she sent me a lovely red and gold scarf with elephants on it from Cambodia. A gift I will always cherish)

My Books

​Testimonial 2012
January 16, 2012 

Thank you for my reading. I just got off the phone with my sister and we exchanged experiences. You have helped and enlightened me very much. I trust that my quality of life will improve with your advice and am eager to follow up on that. One point of interest that I forgot to share with you is that during our reading on a number of occasions I could hear at least 1 or more, deep male voices speaking. At first I thought it was a party line {a shared phone line} and I would strain to hear you over the voices and then another time I would try to hear the voices and you would speak. This lasted only briefly and then I would be totally captivated with your advice. Interesting...I am going to try and spend a time each day speaking with my guide hoping to communicate.

​Again...Thank you
Evelyn (from Ontario, Canada)

(This testimonial was only edited for one spelling mistake. P. Southwell)


Testimonial 2011
I decided to work with Pamela when I was at my wits end with my allergies.  I was allergic to fragrances (colognes, perfumes, and other synthetic fragrances in cleaning and personal hygiene products) and cigarette smoke. Things were really tense and difficult at work - I would have asthma attacks from the perfume my boss wore and the body gel a co-worker used.  I understood that people should be able to wear what they want to wear, but it really did hurt my feelings that they were OK with my not being able to breathe.  The attacks were getting worse and worse, and my inhalers weren't working anymore.  Since I couldn't hide the asthma attacks, people in the office started "taking sides", the tension just got worse, and I hated going into the office every day more and more.  I thought I was going to have to find another job, but with the reality that I'd probably just run into the same problems at any new job, I felt stuck.  I didn't know what else to do, and that's when I asked Pamela if she could help me.  I'll admit I was at the point where I was ready to try anything.  I'm really glad I tried her.

Pamela was so understanding!  She is very caring and has a very reassuring way about her.  She explained to me what she was going to do and what to expect during each session, which was very calming to me.  Actually, it was so relaxing that I fell asleep!  Other than my lungs getting hot, and the relaxation, I didn't feel much else physically during the session.  But I can tell you there is a dramatic difference in my life in just seconds.  It's amazing - I'm free!

My allergies to perfumes and smoke are gone!  Completely!!!  I can go out to salsa clubs and, while I still don't like heavy colognes, I don't have to dodge the heavy wearers anymore - I can dance with anyone and I no longer get headaches or a sore throat anymore.  It's been about a year since the sessions, and I've had only two instances where I had to use my asthma inhaler, and neither time was because of smoke or perfumes.  I can date anyone I like now - for a while I was dating a cologne-wearing smoker who used detergent with heavy perfumes, liked to use room fresheners, and who was taking care of a friend's very fluffy cat for a month.  And I was completely fine!  That would have been unthinkable before.  In fact, he never knew I had ever had allergies.  I no longer have to dodge and weave my way through the hallways at work.  The only downside is that I no longer have an excuse to get out of meetings!

I really never thought I'd have a normal social life, and I was afraid I would have to choose a job where I could stay home.  I can't tell you how wonderful it is that I can now go anywhere and not be afraid that I won't be able to breathe, or have a headache that lasts for days due to an encounter that only lasts minutes or even

Danise (from Washington​, USA)
This testimonial was only edited for two spelling mistakes. P. Southwell

My Books

Healing Testimony 2011
Significant facts:
- Pancreatitis is diagnosed by a blood test that measures “lipase”
- A normal lipase count is 80 - 300
- A subsequent pancreatitis attack is almost always more severe, and longer lasting than the first.  The risk of the pancreas shutting down and not coming back “on line” increases significantly with each “acute” attack and could become “chronic pancreatitis”.

Upon arriving at the emergency room, the Doctor ordered immediate blood-work because of my history.  My lipase count was 780, confirming pancreatitis.  During my first attack, my lipase count rose to 830 at its peak. I was admitted to the hospital. Blood-work was repeated every morning.  The next morning my lipase count rose to an alarming 1650! I was very scared. There was a real chance that my pancreas would shut down for good. Pam stayed with me as much as she could, and continued to help with pain-relief and healing.

My blood pressure was also very elevated.  This could have been because of the pain, or for one of many reasons. It was 187 over 120. It needed to be addressed. The nurse told me they would wait half an hour and then check my vitals again. They would give me medication to lower my blood pressure if it was still elevated. Pam stayed with me and did her thing.

(My Note: Mike asked me to give him a healing to bring down his blood pressure as he told me he didn't want to be on any more medications. I asked my guides what to do and they showed me. It took me 20 minutes.)

They came back and checked; my blood pressure had dropped to 124 over 80 (the best I’ve been in a long time!).  The medical staff was impressed.

The second morning, my lipase count had dropped to 450! This is amazing, because my first attack took five days before my lipase count started to drop, then it dropped slowly over the next week! The Doctor heard the results from the nurse at the same time I did. She was so shocked that she asked to see the results to make sure there wasn’t an error. I was also in shock. I had thought my feeling better was because of Pam’s help with the pain, not an actual recovery.

The third morning, my lipase count was 245, well within the normal range! The Doctor asked me if I was ready to go home. The Doctor was as surprised as I was that I had recovered so quickly and completely from an attack that was worse than my first attack.

I am a sceptic by nature, but I’m sure that Pam’s help during this episode was amazing and instrumental to my recovery. I can’t thank her enough.

Mike (from Ontario, Canada)

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